Friday, June 1, 2007

Over the highway and in the car to Thangram's (Sarah's side) we go

And as we went not only did Than get all the attention, but as is tradition in the Cox house we left with a months worth of groceries. And he picked up a habit there: eating his hands. It's a wonderful new delicacy available morning, evening, and at those wee hours of the mornings; even when we don't understand why it's as funny or tasty as he thinks it is.


  1. Aw, isn't he cute! I just got the pictures you sent today, and I'm sending a a picture that I made from one of them (I couldn't resist! He's so cute!)

    Love, Joanna

  2. I just got the announcement today! Than is so cute! Boy... am I out of the loop. ^_^

    I hope that the three of you are doing well. ^_^
