Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Something Good

We were having "Costco Home Evening" last night, and Jim had the idea to put Emi on the conveyor belt. Not only wa sit adorable, but it reminded me of a book my Mom used to read to me that reminded her of me: "Something Good" by Robert Munsch. In the book a little girl is driving her Dad crazy while shopping and when the Dad couldn't take anymore her to stay still and don't move a muscle till they were done shopping. So, she literally stays there and doesn't move and an employee at the grocery store thinks she's a life size doll because, she's staying so still. So, after a while the Dad comes back and they try to leave and the manager insists that the Dad must pay for her because she has a price tag on her. After arguing for a little while, the little girl chimes in "But, Daddy aren't I worth 17.95?" The Dad realizes what he must do and pays the 17.95 for his daughter and makes her day. That was totally something I would do when I was a kid.


  1. She is adorable there! And I had totally forgotten about that book until you just reminded me! That was like one of my favorites when I was little! I totally want to order it off of Amazon now! Thanks for bringing back all those memories! :)

  2. Yeah, we're big fans of Robert Munsch in this house. :)
