It's been so long since I've posted because, we're having trouble with our camera and formatting it. So, in the meantime I thought I'd give an update on the family.That does it for me. (Thank you Carol) No seriously, I've been fantastic! The house is clean, I'm almost done decorating (after living here 6 months), I'm cooking all the time now, and did I mention I'VE LOST 20 POUNDS!!!!
See, there's my proof.
Jim is doing well, too. He's still a great Dad and amazing husband. In fact, right now he is working his butt off and spending the night at his job--which let's just say doesn't fill his heart with joy. But, he does it because he loves his family :) His is hoping to get onto the LDS Film scene in a never-been-done-before sort of way.
Also, we recently celebrated 4 years together and can't wait to spend the rest of eternity together!
Emi is getting more and more beautiful each day! She now has 10 teeth and is finally warming up to the idea of a good solid food--not just chips, cookies, and a bottle. She is now one year old, walking like mad, and loves being mischievous with her brother!
Than is a handsome big boy, and cracks us up with new jokes every day. He is turning 3 on Monday and had his birthday party with Emi on Thursday. It was amazing!! (Thanks to everyone who made it so!) He is still so sensitive, loving, tender, and sweet. He loves trying to get Emi to walk to him and playing cars with Daddy. He's also taken a liking to cooking--especially cookies!
I honestly have no idea what I've done to deserve such an amazing life with a loving, wonderful family. But, I thank God every day for them and I'm so thankful for the love that leaves my life cup running over. I hope that as our family and friends we have shared that love and that you have felt it, too.
What a cute picture of Jim with Than on his back.